Sunday, February 28, 2016

2016 Accessible Vehicle Update

Dear friends:

My brother Scott Darnell's latest Ability Report focused on helping a C-6/7 friend look into replacing his accessible vehicle. The result is a highly detailed 18-page report fully exploring six different options, spanning solutions available from or involving All Terrain Conversions, BraunAbility, Classic Vans, Mobility SVM, Rollx and Ryno Mobility. You may be surprised to learn that Scott's second and third choices for this Recipient both came from BraunAbility.

After recommending a 2015 Toyota Sienna SE with the in-floor Entervan conversion (he found one for $65,000), Scott also gave high marks to a 2015 Ford Explorer XLT MXV that came up for $69,735. Here are a few of his notes.
"Much to my surprise - I really like it! Unlike their vans, they address the ground effects all the way around the Explorer. The rear end does not look jacked way up, and the ground effects make it look factory-original. So, to have the technology that has been perfected in minivans over the years combined with factory looks… I dig it."
We also are excited to announce that Scott is anticipating spending time in Florida beginning in early March. He will make his home-base in Orlando for the foreseeable future, and all of his contact information will remain the same. Be sure to keep-in-touch... he always looks forward to hearing from friends and to being of-service to anyone he can help.

Very best wishes - Roger D.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Update 12: Thank you.

Dear friends:

As of today, mobility consultant Scott Darnell has been commissioned to create five Ability Reports, thanks to your generosity and support. To our campaign contributors, we owe you a great deal, and it will be our privilege to deliver phenomenal support to our Recipients, plus their parents and loved ones.

Our crowdfunding campaign has been educational in many ways. Naturally, we feel especially indebted to everyone who made a donation; beyond that, this experiment brought us into direct contact with a large circle of wonderful people. As a result, Scott is now facing many exciting new opportunities, and he is very interested in what's to come.

To date, two Ability Reports have already been completed, and progress is underway on the third. We will share more updates here over time, and we also welcome your further questions and interest.

Is there something we can do for you or someone you love? The offer stands; we look forward to hearing from you any time. Also, please note that despite our initial campaign ending, you can still make our day any time in the near future by funding Free Ability Reports via this link:

With love - Roger Darnell

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Update 11: Please Fund Free Ability Reports

If you have not yet supported this campaign, friends, now is the time, and here is the link:

Since we chose to use Indiegogo, even if we don't meet our overall goal, almost all the funds we've raised so far (minus five percent) are ours.

. Ability Reports are for those with disabilities (our Recipients), plus their parents and loved ones.
. The goal of an Ability Report is to help these people find smart new ways to regain freedom and independence.
. The results we've generated so far have been life-changing for our Recipients... and those results would not exist right now if it wasn't for our involvement.
. Thanks to this crowdfunding approach, small contributions add up quickly, and this gives us a tremendous opportunity to create Ability Reports for those in need.

Please be our hero and help us out today:

And if you have questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, post here; we can't wait to hear from you.

Thank you!

Sincerely - Scott and Roger Darnell

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy new year friends!

At the dawn of this brand new year, we wish each of you all the best. Here's hoping that all your dreams come true in the days to come.


~ Scott and Roger Darnell

Monday, December 28, 2015

Update 10 on "Please Fund Free Ability Reports"

Dear friends:

Thanks to 11 contributors, we have now raised $1,440 to help disabled individuals and their loved ones regain freedom and independence. At this moment, we have eight days plus 15.5 hours left to meet our fundraising goal. Can you please help?

Since launching seven weeks ago, we have reached thousands of people to share information about Scott, Ability Reports and our campaign objectives. Raising awareness is one of the most important things we hoped this campaign would help us achieve.
. 1,265 visits to our Indiegogo campaign page:
. 145 referrals to Indiegogo campaign
. 680 website pageviews:
. 500 blog pageviews:
. 220 new Facebook followers:
. 4,350 Facebook impressions
. 2,564 Twitter impressions:

We're also proud to share two key findings from Scott's research to-date. For our first Recipients, their Ability Reports were crucial in these ways: (1) Helping a man based in Tennessee learn about and begin using new mobility options he was previously unaware of; (2) helping a man hospitalized in Maryland - and his family - navigate the healthcare/insurance system to maximize daily care and learn about new life choices available in Maryland and in Florida. Please rest assured that Scott will find a great use for any contributions you can offer.

Very best wishes - Roger and Scott Darnell

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Update 9 on "Please Fund Free Ability Reports" campaign

Dear friends:

This crowdfunding campaign began last month – about 24 years after Scott was rushed to the hospital following his diving accident in 1991. The years in between have been filled with a lot of learning and doing, resulting in us establishing the Ability Reports service, and launching this campaign to drive it into action.

The action part is what it’s all about. With your help, Scott is already at work helping several disabled individuals (our Recipients), their parents and loved ones find their ways through trying challenges. For 24 years, we had a leader in this form of active, loving perseverance; her name was Lila Darnell. Right away after Scott was injured, she threw herself into the fray, meeting doctors and caregivers, becoming part of paralysis support groups, finding and sharing vital information and putting it all into action. She made the experience as valuable as possible for her, her sons and her family, and even wrote a book about it so that others could better understand what to expect and get through it.

In honor of the great Lila, who passed away on Dec. 2, today we have established a new perk for the Please Fund Free Ability Reports campaign. Ideal for parents and loved ones in the early stages of dealing with a spinal cord injury – please choose the “From Lila with Love” campaign perk, and we will send you a paperback copy of Lila’s book, The Ghost Behind the Wheelchair.

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement friends. Please Fund Free Ability Reports here:

Looking forward!

Sincerely – Scott and Roger Darnell

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Update 8 on "Please Fund Free Ability Reports" campaign

It's "Giving #Today" friends - can we count on your support to fund free Ability Reports? Here is the official contribution link:

We are so very grateful for all of your support... and with our campaign's half-way point fast approaching next week, we're requesting financial donations that will be critical for our mission to succeed.

Also, we truly understand that there are endless worthwhile charitable organizations and causes - and that every penny counts for everyone during the holidays. Please mark your calendar to note that this campaign will end one week into the new year on Wed., Jan. 6. Today, tomorrow, or any day between now and then when you feel so moved, we welcome even small contributions - as well as feedback on the soundness of our mission and the information we're sharing as we progress.

As you can see, Scott is hard-at-work, and more results are shaping-up to be shared by us, our appreciative Recipients and their loved ones.

Best wishes - Roger D.