It's "Giving #Today" friends - can we count on your support to fund free Ability Reports? Here is the official contribution link: http://igg.me/at/freeAR430/x/2985422
We are so very grateful for all of your support... and with our campaign's half-way point fast approaching next week, we're requesting financial donations that will be critical for our mission to succeed.
Also, we truly understand that there are endless worthwhile charitable organizations and causes - and that every penny counts for everyone during the holidays. Please mark your calendar to note that this campaign will end one week into the new year on Wed., Jan. 6. Today, tomorrow, or any day between now and then when you feel so moved, we welcome even small contributions - as well as feedback on the soundness of our mission and the information we're sharing as we progress.
As you can see, Scott is hard-at-work, and more results are shaping-up to be shared by us, our appreciative Recipients and their loved ones.
Best wishes - Roger D.
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